It's Not Too Late to Cast Your Vote...For Best °®åú´«Ã½ Research Images
°®åú´«Ã½ is giving everyone the chance to cast their votes (again), but this time for the best images captured by its researchers in a contest that highlights work from across all of °®åú´«Ã½'s 10 colleges.
Study: Travelers Care More About Customer Reviews Than Low Prices
Operators of hotels and short-term rental properties looking to build back business hampered by the coronavirus pandemic shouldn't worry about low prices as much as customer opinions, according to a new study.
Dopamine Surge Reveals How Even for Mice, 'There's No Place Like Home'
A study by °®åú´«Ã½ neuroscientists demonstrates how 'coming home' produces a signal of comfort in mice and is the first to show that home evokes a surge of dopamine that mimics the response to a dose of cocaine.
°®åú´«Ã½ Tech Runway to Celebrate Virtual Maverick Reception
°®åú´«Ã½ Tech Runway® will host the 2020 Maverick Reception virtually on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 6 to 7 p.m.
Diplomacy Team Wins Second National Title at Model U.N.
The Leon Charney Diplomacy Program at °®åú´«Ã½ recently competed in the virtual National Model United Nations competition and finished first overall out of 43 competing universities and received seven awards.
What's That Growing on Your Face Mask?
°®åú´«Ã½ Schmidt College of Medicine researcher has developed a novel device to conveniently sanitize contaminated masks and other items at home or at work and has received a provisional patent for the technology.
°®åú´«Ã½ to Host Conference on Corporate Finance and Governance
The °®åú´«Ã½ College of Business is hosting a virtual conference on corporate finance and governance that will bring together leading researchers.
Study First to Show Relationship between a Bird's Gut and its Brain
°®åú´«Ã½ scientists studied songbirds' gut microbiome and have identified potentially critical bacteria affecting cognition and performance.
The Osher LLI at °®åú´«Ã½ Jupiter Announces Winter Course Schedule
The Osher LLI at °®åú´«Ã½ in Jupiter has announced its course offerings for the winter semester, which begins Monday, Jan. 11, 2021.
Major Gift for Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education
A multi-million dollar gift from Arthur Gutterman will name the Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education.