Assessment Database
What is an Assessment Plan?
Assessment is an integral part of the accreditation for the University, as it determines whether or not the achievement plans and goals of each college and department are being met. Assessment contributes to curriculum re-design and enhancement,student learning and continuous improvement of university programs and services.
Aplan reporter(chair, director, dean, assistant or associate VP) from each department determines the specific objectives and outcome measures that comprise his/herunit’s assessment plan for the academic year. During the plan period, data and/or results should be collected in order to report on the success of the plan. The reporter then enters the complete plan, results, and the appropriate supporting documentation into the assessment database where it can be viewed by assessment coordinators, accreditation staff and theplan approver(department head/supervisor) who may then verify that the assessment plan is satisfactory.
It is recommended that you retain a copy of your assessment plan in a Word document, from which you may then paste your results into the assessment database. Videos on how to navigate and enter data into the database are located here: Assessment Database online training.
Plan reporters may be asked to revise the assessment plan by their supervisor or an assessment coordinator in order to ensure that the plan provides the necessary information, is clear and well written. A checklist that is being used to evaluate assessment plans is provided at this link: Assessment Plan Checklist.
Request the access to Assessment Website should be made through the ý Online Help Desk.
ý Administrative Assessment Important Dates
Director’s Responsibility | Due Date | Description | Supervisor’ Responsibility | |
Report Prior Year’s Assessment Plan Results |
October 1 |
Assessment results & analysis for all outcomes in plan entered in database “submitted for review”. | Review report and request revisions if applicable. Approve completed (revised) plan. | |
Submit New Assessment Plan for Current Year |
August-September/ By October 1 |
Create assessment plan for current academic year utilizing previous plan/results. “Submit for review” to assessment database. | Review and revise new assessment plan. |
ý SLOs Assessment Important Dates
Description | Due Date | Results | Due Date | Report | Due Date |
Outcome Description and Methodology Implementing Strategy Assessment Methods Criterion for Success and New Assessment Plan for Current Year |
February 15 |
Submit Results for previous Academic Year and Program Improvements for Current Year |
October 1 |
College Assessment Representative Submit College Assessment Report for previous Academic Year to Provost’s Office |
November 25 |
University Team for Assurance of Student Learning (TASL)
The Team for Assurance of Student Learning (TASL) is the university-level assessment committee comprised of the Associate Provost for Assessment and Instruction, College Assessment Directors, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and a representative from Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis.
University Team for Assurance of Student Learning (TASL) Description:. The Team for Assurance of Student Learning (TASL) is the university-level assessment committee comprised of the Associate Provost for Assessment and Instruction, College Assessment Directors, the Dean of Undergraduate Studies, and a representative from Institutional Effectiveness and Analysis.
TASL Membership AY 2022-2023:
- Dr. Barclay Barrios - Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts & Letters
- Dr. Emily Sacks - College of Business
- Dr. Bridget Smith-Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
- Dr. Marianna Colvin-College of Social Work & Criminal Justice
- Dr. Ernest Brewer-College of Education
- Dr. Fred Bloetscher - College of Engineering & Computer Science
- Dr. Julie Earles - Honors College
- Dr. Joy Longo-College of Nursing
- Dr. Anthony Ambrosio-Director of Assessment Undergrad Programs
- Dr. Darlene Parrish-University Library
- Dr. Russell Ivy - Interim Provost
- Dr. Julie Golden-Botti - Exec. Director for Online & Continuing Ed.
- Dr. Yanmei Li, Charles E. Schmidt College of Science
- Willie Freeman III-Assoc. Exec Director of eLearning
- Debra Szabo-Director of Assessment, Accreditation and Articulations